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Whangaroa College COVID-19 Alert Level 2

Safety plan as it applies to student safety and well-being


Public Health Requirements for Early Learning Services and Schools at Alert Level 2 as at 5 May MOE Managing health and safety in schools at Alert Level 2

Worksafe Alert Level 2 documents


Overriding Principles of Alert Level 2

  • minimise the risk that someone gets infected in the first place

  • to ensure we can identify and contact anyone who has been in close contact with a person if someone in a school or early learning centre is infected.

  • understand that Level 2 is not business as usual

It is safe for all students and staff to return to school in Alert Level 2, Schools are safe because hygiene habits will be strong and schools will put into place safe and sensible practice.

What will be done to

manage risks in school for Alert Level 2 commences.

Considerations: Risk controls are in place to

  • ensure people with COVID-19 symptoms or who feel generally unwell stay away from school;

  • physical distancing (not touching or breathing on anyone) is maintained by all staff and students in school:

  • good hygiene practices; and

  • tracking of people that enter the school.


The plan will be reviewed at least weekly and changes made as necessary. Input from staff and students will be sought and considered.

Environment and Wellness

  1. Disinfection of high touch areas (door handles, handrails, table tops, common spaces, and bathrooms) which are to be cleaned every day. Teachers are in charge of ensuring classroom hard surfaces are disinfected at the end of each lesson.

  2. A health check by observation is made of all students by the teacher on duty before school and by classroom teachers during the day. Temperatures are not to be taken. Concerns are to be immediately reported to the office?

  3. Staff will self-check before going to school each day.

  4. If a student at school is deemed to be sick they will be isolated, and parents/care-givers contacted and arrangements made with them for the students to be picked up asap. There will be an isolation area marked off in the Hall foyer which office staff can monitor.

After the student is picked up hard surfaces they may have touched will be disinfected.

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