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Graduate Profile

Posted Wednesday 29 March, 2017


What does a Year 13 student graduating from Whangaroa College look like? What values, competencies, skills, attitudes and principles should they and all our tamariki acquire as we help to guide and educate them through their years with us? 

Over the last 2 terms of 2016 and through to the beginning of 2017, we have been working alongside education advisors, whanau, the community, and the school staff and students to frame together a meaningful graduate profile. The journey, albeit long, has been enlightening, exciting and pleasing to see we all have similar aspirations and goals in mind for our tamariki.


The input from all involved brought up a large list of attributes that were discussed and put on the table. From this we grouped like ideas, looked at various combinations and have whittled down, on advice from Mel Stopford our education curriculum advisor, 5 important themes. The final task is to get feedback from everyone around the draft graduate profile so we can complete and start guiding and educating our students alongside this profile.

So we would like to invite everyone to check out the draft graduate profile themes and the "I" statements connected to each theme. These statements are for the students

The 5 themes are...  

Self Belief 

  • I can 

  • Confident, confidence to try new things - enquiring mind, confidence in themselves and their abilities, confident, confidence to ask questions, communication, problem solving, sport focus, self confident, tolerant, calculated risk takers, happy/interested, happy

  • Resilient, innovative, resilience, resilient, pride/self-esteem


  • I can

  • Creative thinkers, lots of NCEA credits, problem solving, NCEA - reading & writing, autonomous learners

  • Life skills, life skills, financial literacy/budgeting, have a strong work ethic, prepared for work e.g. CVs, employable, world ready, know about board processes, financial literacy/budgeting,

  • Broad education, reading/writing/arithmetic, 3Rs - reading/writing/maths, computer literate, driver’s licence, access to EOTC to grow leaders, Broad spectrum of abilities at the end of their time here (not too narrow), informed about their choices & rights, computer literate, PB4L, volunteer work experience, special needs, all rounded education NCEA credits, financial literacy, Literate/numerate - levels to where they want to go, informed of scholarships and how to get them, Tertiary NCEA L1 + L2 - no foundation courses, best education they can have, where is the bilingual at? 2015 started conversations, communication skills - written & oral, digital literacy, achieving at expected levels, qualifications to take them to the next step, science, preserving environments, future pathway - how to compile a CV, job wise, career wise, solid foundation of reading, writing & numeracy, knowledge about the school & how a good school should work.

Global citizens 

  • I can

  • awareness of the world beyond school, interdependence, citizenship, globally connected, work experience, global awareness, networking.

Whangaroa tanga

  • I have a strong sense of identity and belief in my own abilities

  • I am proud of myself, my school, and my community

  • Whangaroatanga, cultural identity, pride for Whangaroa, To wisdom with honour, Te Reo, Te Reo Maori a gateway to so much more connections and Te Ao Maori, Whakapapa, Whanaungatanga - togetherness/well being/belonging, Or any other papers - Te Reo Maori, Te Reo Rangatira, Matauranga Maori, culturally intact, confident in Te Ao Maori, culturally enriched, Whangaroatanga, happy memories, positive relationships, connected to home, cultural identity - tona reo/ihi/wehi/mana, tikanga Maori, strong belief in their own ability, honesty, life long learning, values, Whangaroatanga - sense of identity as Maori/wairua/tinana, sense of belonging, proud of their kura, proud, proud of their kura, good healthy memories of their schooling, Whanaungatanga - to be connected to others, proud of their kura, culturally intact, drive to want to come back to Whangaroa and give back when finish uni/Wanganga, whanau identity - marae/whanau connections, have the option to complete wananga papers MPA NCEA L1,2,3, bi-cultural, identity


  • I can 

  • Self-efficacy, helpful, have a love of learning, dreams & aspirations, goals & aspirations, wisdom, respect, responsible & respectful students, respectful, honour, respect, transparent, inspired & inspiring, love of learning, coping skills, resilience, teachable/coachable, ability to learn/open pathway, self worth, self belief, generosity of spirit, caring & sharing, motivated, motivated/inspired, nice person, discipline, understand the benefits of calculated risk - back themselves, effective communicators,

  • Leadership capability/capacity, role models, friendships, time management, self managers, confidence to hold fast to their values, know what is acceptable behaviour out of schools environment, accountability, role models, understanding & accepting consequences for actions, accountability, good self managers, stand tall - strong sense of self identity, self governance, ability to network, up to date with digital technologies, role modelling, positive behaviour.

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